Monday, August 30, 2010

One Month Home

This has been the best month. The time has flown by. Julia is feeling more and more at home. She loves riding in the car now. She says, "dada, mama, book, up, dog, go, bye, bed." She loves eating, and enjoys all sorts of food. She loves being outdoors. Julia is starting to get more and more affectionate and now likes the carrier. I have enjoyed every minute since she has come home. She has the best personality and to listen to her giggle and laugh is the best feeling.


  1. So cute. Can't believe she'll keep those beautiful hair bows in. Love it.

  2. I love the scrunched-up-face photo -- too cute! Also the one of big brother scrunching up her face. Nora does the same to Henry :)

    ~ Jennifer (norasmommy from the Korea forum)
